Sunday, May 3, 2020

Ugoy-Ugoy Cookies Recipe

Dough Ingredients:

2 Cups All Purpose flour
2 Cups Bread flour
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tbsp Instant yeast
3/4 Cup Granulated sugar
1/2 Tsp Baking soda
1 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Cup Milk Powder (optional)
1 Cup Whole milk (warm)
2 Large eggs
4 Tbsp softened/melted unsalted butter
1 Tsp Vanilla extract
2 Tbsp Lard/Shortening


1/2 Cup Bread crumbs
1/2 Cup Light Brown Sugar

You will also need:
Vegetable oil for brushing the dough and mix 1 cup all purpose flour with 1/2 cup cornstarch for dusting.

( I will be using my bread machine to knead my dough, if you don't have bread machine this can be done using hand, just knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.)

1) Mix all the dry ingredients in a bread machine bucket, add all the liquid and let the machine knead the dough. When the machine done kneading the dough, let the dough rest for about 1 hr. ( I just leave my dough inside the machine. )

2) Flour your working surface and put your dough then roll it out as thin as you can. Then, brush the dough with vegetable oil and sprinkle the flour and cornstarch mixed.

3) Fold the dough into 4 or 5 and then fold each side, and then you should have a rectangular shaped dough.

4) Roll out the dough again very thin. Then, brush it with vegetable oil once again, then sprinkle with the toppings, and cut each piece into 1 inch by 3 inches.

5) Arrange in a baking pan line with parchment paper, and let it rest for 30-45 minutes.

6) Bake it in a pre-heated oven 300F for 30 minutes or until it is golden brown. Switch the baking pan half-way through baking.

TIPS: After baking, leave the cookies in the oven and make sure that the oven is turned off. The remaining heat from the oven will help the cookies become crispy. Then take it out from the oven and let it cool completely in the cookie rack, and store it in an air-tight container to retain the crispiness. And the thinner the dough the crispier the cookies is.


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  3. Hi what if I don't have bread flour? Can i use 4c APF?
